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Angie Murphy

Denver, Indiana

LIFE CHANGING!  There is no other way to describe how Minds-In-Motion has affected our daughter other than simply stating it has changed her life!

From a very early age, our daughter has been what most would consider to be a handful.  Sleep struggles, attention struggles - she had the attention span less than that of a gnat, being overly vocal, unable to "remember" a list of things - commands - to do, lack of coordination - by age 7 unable to put 5 jumping jacks together or do a simple bounce pass, having a complete disdain for reading, and the list goes on and on.  But she is SMART.  She is one of the most kind, compassionate, generous children I know.  And yet, she was exhausting...

Neither my husband nor I are believers in medicating children.  We believe that discovering the root cause of issues (non-life threatening, of course!) is the way to go - and address from there.  It had been strongly suggested by her school that we seek medical attention for her.  We were adamant and steadfast in our decision to not medicate her, but to exhaust all avenues and resources in an attempt to provide her with the solution, not what we felt to be a band aid, to her struggles.

Enter Minds-In-Motion.  Going to the parent informational meeting completely sold us on Minds-In-Motion!  That very first night, we KNEW we had found what our daughter needed!   The defining moment for us was when Candace performed the eye tracking exercise with our daughter.  While it took her a moment to focus on the pen Candace held in front of her, shortly into the exercise, we saw that her left eye kept following the pen, while her right eye spontaneously shot off to the right!  Never in my life had I ever seen anything like that.  At that very moment, I knew EXACTLY why my bright, beautiful, 7-year old could not "focus" at school - or at anything that required any length of "focusing".  She did not possess the ability!  FINALLY!  We knew right at that moment that our daughter's life was about to change!

By mid-way through the program, on a car ride home one afternoon, I asked her how she was feeling.  I asked her how things in her head felt - as she had previously been witnessed pounding her fist to her head saying, "Come on, Gracie, think!"  (heartbreaking to witness, I must say).  However, after asking her that question, my beautiful 7-year-old looked me in the eye and said, "Mommy, my brain feels balanced."  Words cannot describe what it meant to hear that.  And to this day, I struggle to contain my emotions when I think back to that moment.  Her life has truly been changed!

In closing, the words THANK YOU just seem so inadequate.  My entire family is forever grateful.  We like to believe that Minds-In-Motion has "unleashed the beast" in our daughter.  Her days of struggling are coming to an end.  We have changed our life and have become a Minds-In-Motion family!  We have implemented the MAZE in our home!  We are hopeful that our school system will implement the MAZE, as well.  EVERY child can and will benefit from this program!