Ensure that your child reaches their highest potential


You want the best for your child and know the decisions you make can completely change the course of his/her future.

Minds-In-Motion maximizes potential by building a better foundation for learning through movement and brain integration to advance development for success now and in the future - socially, academically and athletically.

Our science-based, research-backed exercises and protocols maximize learning potential and ignite higher-level brain function for ALL children so they experience higher levels of performance:

In the classroom:

  • Increased focus & attention

  • Improved reading & math skills

  • Better visual & auditory processing

  • More organized thought patterns

  • Decreased behavior issues

On the sports field:

  • Improved coordination

  • Lessoned hyper-activity

  • Stronger physical endurance

  • Increased muscle tone

At home:

  • Increased social/emotional awareness

  • Fewer meltdowns

  • Happier & more engaged

  • Age-appropriate social skills

  • Less frustration and fewer behavior issues

 Minds-In-Motion Gets Results


Video: What is sensory/motor integration?


After 10 Weeks of MIM

  • Increased reading level 7.6 to 10.5 and improvement in hand/ eye coordination

Before MIM

  • 6th-grade high-performing student

  • More coordinated and confident; enjoys reading now; on the honor roll for 4th grade!

  • Dyslexic 3rd grader; struggling with reading and retaining information; mastering skills one day then forgetting them the next.

  • Improved visual skills; better balance and coordination; behavioral issues improved dramatically

  • 8-year-old adopted from Russia exhibiting many emotional issues and troublesome behaviors.

  • 6th-grade boy “unfocused” but a good student

  • Improved visual and auditory skills; reading level increased from 2nd to 5th-grade level

  • Improved behaviors; better coordination; increased focusing ability

  • Preschooler with social-emotional issues; lots of melt-downs and behavioral issues


*The discussed 10-week results were from children attending our center-based program, which varies in intensity and duration from our school-based program


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